Since our travel plans are on hold for the foreseeable future, we’ve decided to focus on how we can bring those vacation vibes into our outdoor spaces. Why shouldn’t we experience that special feeling all year around??

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Bali Inspired

Design Trends, Swimming Pools

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By now, I’m sure you’ve all heard of the wildly popular Danish word Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) – but in case you haven’t – it’s currently blowing up. It’s being featured in countless lifestyle articles, book titles, brands and now there are even boardgames!?

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Our Best Hygge Tips

Tip & Tricks

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Well well well… what a year, am I right!? You know, we go through the motions every year to welcome a new year, new things, new goals…but 2021 has brought more meaning to a New Year for me, and for others too I’m sure.

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New Year’s Resolution

Design Trends

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We are creeping into the cool, crisp fall season. Which of course not only means Thanksgiving and Halloween but also bulb planting. Who doesn’t love a little spring pop of colour? Lots of people I have talked to are interested in adding beautiful tulips, daffodils, or crocus flowers to their landscape. What many people don’t […]

Preparing for the Spring – Bulb Planting!

Decor, Gardens, Plant Art, Planters, Tip & Tricks, Uncategorised

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Don’t you just hate it when you plant a seed to grow a tree and you can’t tell if it’s growing or not?? …..Ya me neither. I have yet to grow anything from a seed. Well maybe a lima bean or whatever they give you in school. You know, soak a school grade brown paper […]

Ilex Studio – Avocado & Acorn Vases

Art, Decor, Design Trends, Outdoor Products, Plant Art, Planters, Tip & Tricks, Uncategorised, Water

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Are you seeing these?! W-O-W. I’ve been to Montreal a handful of times, but I never knew these amazing pieces of art existed. Added to the bucket list of gardens I need to now see before I die. Apparently, Montreal’s Botanical garden is known for having a collection of greenhouse garden exhibits which allows you […]

Montreal Botanical Gardens – Among the best in the world

Art, Design Trends, Gardens, Plant Art, Uncategorised, Water

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Are you seeing these?! W-O-W. I’ve been to Montreal a handful of times, but I never knew these amazing pieces of art existed. Added to the bucket list of gardens I need to now see before I die. Apparently, Montreal’s Botanical garden is known for having a collection of greenhouse garden exhibits which allows you […]

Montreal Botanical Gardens – Among the best in the world

Art, Design Trends, Gardens, Plant Art, Uncategorised, Water

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29 Hess St S,
Hamilton, ON L8N 2R9

PHONE: 905-330-1549

Meg & Kennedy Landscape Design