We are creeping into the cool, crisp fall season. Which of course not only means Thanksgiving and Halloween but also bulb planting. Who doesn’t love a little spring pop of colour? Lots of people I have talked to are interested in adding beautiful tulips, daffodils, or crocus flowers to their landscape. What many people don’t know is how they should be planted and that fall is really the best time of year to plant these beautiful flowers. So here’s a little ‘How To’ session to get your feet wet.

Bulbs usually add a needed pop of colour to your garden in the early spring before many other plants have begun to push their way through the cold, hard ground. As much as we all like looking at dirty dirty-dirt for those first few cold and dreary weeks of spring, your neighbours will smile every day as they pass by your gem of a spring garden. (**For help with the look of your garden for the rest of the season, you know who to call 😉 **) Annnnd, not only can you plant bulbs right into your garden but you can also plant them in pots to create stunning spring planters. Hyacinths, tulips, daff’s, and crocus’ are the most common bulbs people seek. All of these bulbs are best suited to planting in mid October usually about 6 weeks before frost is to begin. Each of these flowers has noticeably different sized bulbs which require different planting depth, but all should be planted with pointed head side towards the surface. Quick reference…

Tulips = should be planted about 8 inches below surface.

Daffodils = depth is based on the size of the bulb. Should be double the size of the bulb.

Crocus = average 3-4 inches below surface.

Hyacinths = to be planted about 6 inches below the surface.

So there you have it! Now you have no excuses for getting your spring flowering bulbs in this year. Annnnnnd GO!

Preparing for the Spring – Bulb Planting!

Decor, Gardens, Plant Art, Planters, Tip & Tricks, Uncategorised

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PHONE: 905-330-1549

Meg & Kennedy Landscape Design